Family Pet Hospital
Vaccinations Required:
All pets must be current on their annual vaccinations and parasite screening at least two weeks PRIOR to their boarding stay. Vaccinations must be given by a licensed veterinarian and verified by the FPH staff. If vaccinations and screening are set to expire during the boarding stay, these will need to be updated prior to the stay as well.
Dog Vaccinations Required
Rabies, Combo Vaccine (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus), and Bordetella.
Dog Parasites Screens Required
Intestinal Parasite screen
Cat Vaccinations Required
Rabies, and Combo Vaccine (Rhinotracheitis, Calici, Panleukopenia, and Chlamydia Psittaci).
Cat Parasite Screens Are
Intestinal Parasite screen

All pets must be free of external parasites (fleas and ticks) and must be able to prove they are on a monthly preventative prescribed by a veterinarian (Bravecto, Nexgard, Advantix, Advantage Multi, Frontline, Revolution, etc.). Any pets found to have external parasites will be treated at the client’s expense.
FPH boarding is for established clientele only. If your pet has not been seen by an FPH veterinarian, a meet-and-greet and physical examination must be scheduled and performed prior to the boarding stay. **Note: it is best to do this at least two weeks prior to the arrival date in the event that vaccination or test needs to be updated.
FPH reserves the right to prohibit admission to pets with extreme aggressive behavior, symptoms of contagious diseases, or lack of proof of proper vaccinations, screening, and preventatives. Additional fees will be applied for excessively difficult pets requiring additional staff, pets requiring an isolation facility, or pets less than 6 months of age requiring additional time and care.

In the event that a pet becomes stressed and develops mild gastroenteritis due to the change in their routine, the veterinarian staff will treat the pet as needed at a nominal cost to the owner to resolve the issue. If more serious issues arise, the staff will contact the client and discuss a treatment plan. In the event of stress, the FPH staff will do everything possible to reduce the stress and make the pet comfortable. If no improvement is made, a veterinarian will assess the pet and administer anti-anxiety medication at the client’s expense to reduce the stress.
All pets will be served Low-fat Food dry food on a feeding schedule provided by the client. This is a simple, easily digested diet that is gentle on your pet’s gastrointestinal tract. If the client would like a specific diet fed, they are more than welcome to bring that diet with the pet for the boarding stay.
FPH wants our patients to be comfortable during their stay, so if you would like to bring beds, blankets, or toys you are welcome to do so. Please limit the number of items brought to a reasonable amount (3-5 total items). Each item needs to be clearly labeled with the pets’ name and clients’ last name, and be fully washable. No foam bedding, or bedding larger than 3’X4’. **Note: Personal items may be removed at the staff’s discretion if they determine that it is becoming harmful to the pet. I.e. destruction of the items causing a choking or foreign body hazard, items causing injury to teeth or gums, etc. FPH is not responsible for damaged or lost items.

If your pet is currently taking medications (for non-contagious health care) please bring the medication in the original packaging, with specific dosing and administration instructions. FPH staff will be happy to administer the medications. Additional charges apply for pets requiring medication administration.
If you have multiple pets staying, FPH does offer a reduced cost shared boarding rate for each additional pet after the first pet. It is up to the FPH staff to determine if the pets are able to stay together in the same suite during their stay. If pets have to be separated during the stay, each pet will be charged for a full-price suite per night.
Pets will be placed in an appropriately sized suite. Specifically sized suites cannot be requested or specifically reserved for your pet.

Complimentary baths are provided, if requested, for pets staying five nights or more in one consecutive stay, and are short-haired. Pets staying less than five nights or that have long coats, can request a bath at a significantly reduced price. All baths will be performed during the end of the stay. The date of the bath depends on the capacity of the facility, the time of departure, and the availability of staff to perform the bath. Pets that have an accident in their kennel may require a bath, or several baths, during their stay. These will be determined by FPH staff based on the sanitary needs of the pet and the facility and will be charged at an additional cost to the client for each bath.
All stays require a boarding agreement, pre-boarding exam, and boarding log sheet to be completed during each arrival and for each pet. Please allow 10-15 minutes for this to be completed when you drop off your pet. Boarding agreement forms are available at and may be completed and printed prior to your arrival. If paperwork is completed prior to arrival, still allow at least 10 minutes for check-in.
All rates, services, policies, and amenities are subject to change at any time. Please contact FPH at (405) 216-5200 for current rates and availability. We will be happy to assist you!